Frederic Writer @ erstererster gallery // Announcing my next solo exhibition

Very happy to announce my next solo exhibition at erstererster gallery from 30 Oct till 03 Nov 2019.

This time I will show some pieces from my new three-part photography series # Instagramania, reflecting on the impact of social media on ourselves and the world around us.

The vernissage will be held at 6pm on 30 Oct 2019. Hope, to see you all there!

We had a great exhibition … // Open Studios ID // Berlin Art Week

Thanks to every one of you who dropped by our group exhibition during Berlin Art Week 2018.

It was an amazing 500+ people and we truly enjoyed your company and interest in our art and what we do at Studios ID …

All images: © Chris Dennis

#004 // The invitation IV

#004 // The Inbitation IV … Didn‘t had much time to focus on doing art lately … Too many other things going on … So this is a rare piece I finished between Christmas and NY … Based on a wonderful poem by Oriah … #fredericwriter #art #artist#painting #photography #newlife #betterliving #collection #collector

If you are interested in buying this piece of art, you can find the details here.

Art week // Part II // Documenta in Kassel

The second half of the week I spent at Documenta 14. Although, this year’s Documenta was criticized a lot, I thought it was a superb exhibition. Very, very political in its nature with lots of art focused on migration and oppression issues. However, although this might not have been to many people’s taste, I believe that our times ask for artists being political and controversial, steering debate about issues that many politicians and media don’t want to touch.

Art week // Part I // Biennale in Venice

Spent three wonderful days at Biennale di Venezia in Venice. Great start on day one with Peggy Guggenheim Foundation and an unbelievable exhibition by Damien Hurst at Palazzo Grassi. What a great and megalomanic idea.

The following two days were dedicated to the Biennale, with day two spent at the Arsenale and day three at the Giardini. Especially, Arsenale’s old warehouse buildings are a superb location and great backdrop for exhibiting the art on show – with the Lebanese contribution hidden at Arsenale Nord being a real highlight that only a few made an effort to see.

The pavilions at the Giardini are in very mixed shape, and the art on show – at least in my perception – did not match the level of those on show at the Arsenale. Here, the Austrian pavilion was a rare exception.

Evelyn Drewes Gallery // Great sculptures by Hirofumi Fujiwara

Visited a great vernissage at Evelyn Drewes’ gallery, showcasing some wonderful sculptures by Japanese artist Hirofumi Fujiwara. Remarkable works that sold very fast. Unfortunately my favorite work was already sold before the show began …