It has been so long since I last made it to the studio … Another case of blaming work but just not being able to get my priorities right … Getting there in a BMW convertible to transport some bigger canvases … Hahaha, great start! … And then, jumping into my own little work … What a great feeling … #art #photography #painting #canvas #studio #colour #fun#selfindulgence #betterliving #berlinstyle #fredericwriter #berlin
I haven‘t been here for a long time. I tried to blame my new business and all that exciting work I do for my clients … In the end, it’s all about priorities … So, after successfully solving some project hickups last night I decided to treat myself with a ‚Free Lunch Concert‘ at Philharmonie … On arrival, I find out that it will be all pupils from a ‚Musik-Gymnasium‘ in Weimar … Stupid me, I start to get arrogant about what to expect … And then, what an experience … All that amazing talent … Their nervousness and shivering legs … Allmost impossible to continue breathing … The relief when it’s ‚over‘ … And the glow in their eyes, when the crowd starts to applaude – probably the biggest audience they played so far in their young lifes … And then, the final performer, a young boy of ten years. Totally cool. Like in a cocoon of his own … Breath-taking, tears of joy running down my cheeks, imagining the dreams these kids are dreaming and how hard they work to fulfill them … Thank you so much! I am truly grateful to be here and experience this moment … #music #concert #outstanding #young #talent #grace #joy #thankfullness #humble
Great Irving Penn exhibition at C/O Berlin … The power of irritation and a simple backdrop … Loved it! #berlin #berlinstyle #museum #gallery #art #exhibition #inspiration #fun #betterliving #fredericwriter
#004 // The Inbitation IV … Didn‘t had much time to focus on doing art lately … Too many other things going on … So this is a rare piece I finished between Christmas and NY … Based on a wonderful poem by Oriah … #fredericwriter #art #artist#painting #photography #newlife #betterliving #collection #collector
If you are interested in buying this piece of art, you can find the details here.
The second half of the week I spent at Documenta 14. Although, this year’s Documenta was criticized a lot, I thought it was a superb exhibition. Very, very political in its nature with lots of art focused on migration and oppression issues. However, although this might not have been to many people’s taste, I believe that our times ask for artists being political and controversial, steering debate about issues that many politicians and media don’t want to touch.
Spent three wonderful days at Biennale di Venezia in Venice. Great start on day one with Peggy Guggenheim Foundation and an unbelievable exhibition by Damien Hurst at Palazzo Grassi. What a great and megalomanic idea.
The following two days were dedicated to the Biennale, with day two spent at the Arsenale and day three at the Giardini. Especially, Arsenale’s old warehouse buildings are a superb location and great backdrop for exhibiting the art on show – with the Lebanese contribution hidden at Arsenale Nord being a real highlight that only a few made an effort to see.
The pavilions at the Giardini are in very mixed shape, and the art on show – at least in my perception – did not match the level of those on show at the Arsenale. Here, the Austrian pavilion was a rare exception.
Visited a great vernissage at Evelyn Drewes’ gallery, showcasing some wonderful sculptures by Japanese artist Hirofumi Fujiwara. Remarkable works that sold very fast. Unfortunately my favorite work was already sold before the show began …
Have been quite busy doing other stuff since my exhibition, but this nice little piece will soon travel to Sweden … #berlin #berlinstyle #art#paiting #photography #selfindulgence #fun#betterliving
After some busy weeks in Greece, Lebanon and Israel I came back to Berlin, just to set up my first solo exhibition the next day.
The grand opening on Aug 5 was great fun, and the ten following days at the gallery amazing – with lots of different people visiting during day and night time. Many conversations, lots of encouraging feedback and three canvases sold. Woohoo!
Thus, I felt really sad when closing down last Sunday and packing all my remaining art to bring it back to the studio. I will definitely miss gallery life 😉 …